National Institute for Preventive Archaeological Research – INRAP

Project name General Timeline
Devices Website
Client National Institute for Preventive Archaeological Research - France
Project benefits Option to export the site for offline use (for educational purposes)

The INRAP (National Institute for Preventive Archaeological Research) in France is a public administrative institution with the primary mission of detecting and studying buried archaeological heritage during land development projects to preserve the memory and history embedded in the soil.

The organization conducts preventive excavations and carries out scientific research, thereby contributing to the enrichment of the historical and cultural knowledge of the country.

For educational purposes, INRAP has provided resources on its website, allowing teachers and the general public to access tools for understanding the historical references that mark History.

Wezit has developed this timeline, entirely manageable through the CMS Drupal, with an intuitive and visual interface.

The program can be accessed online, but it can also be downloaded for offline use, such as in a classroom, for example.

The website is designed to be used online or downloaded to become an offline program.

A scrollable timeline provides detailed information for each period.

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