Project name Virtual exhibitions
Devices Mobile back and front office device enabling museums to independently create augmented reality exhibitions in public spaces.
Client Association of German Museums
Project benefits Adaptation of the back and front office from Wezit studio to offer a complete standalone solution for museums.

The museum4punkt0 initiative, initiated in 2017 by the Foundation for Prussian Cultural Assets (Stiftung Preußischer Kulturbesitz), concluded in 2023 after successfully executing numerous projects in partnership with museums and cultural organizations across Germany.

The core objective of museum4punkt0 was to foster innovation and experimentation in the realm of cultural mediation through cutting-edge digital solutions. The aim of museum4punkt was to create and experiment with innovative digital solutions in the field of cultural mediation.

Within the framework of museum4punkt0, Wezit was selected for one of the most recent projects.

The primary goal was to conceive and implement a mobile application capable of extending the public’s access to art and artifacts beyond the traditional museum settings, leveraging augmented reality technology. The mobile application crafted by Wezit is documented on the GitHub platform.

A version of the application has also been implemented for the Saarland Museums Association. Their interest lay in harnessing the application’s potential to present museum objects and content originating from rural areas, where opening hours are at times limited.

This approach not only enhances accessibility but also delivers an engaging and immersive experience for the audience.

Through the app, visitors can explore various media and 3D objects that provide information about the former use of buildings or production facilities, as seen here in the Johann Adams Mill in the municipality of Tholey, in Saarland.

The app for the Saarland Museum Association offers multiple tours. Each tour connects various waypoints outdoors where the history of the location is narrated through augmented reality for a young audience.


This project has been carried out with the Wezit Mobile solution.

Contents are managed by the Wezit Studio platform.

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