Project name Mobile experience
Devices Mobile application for groups that connects tablets with a smartwatch
Client Theater Junge Generation - Dresden - Germany
Project benefits Theatrical scenario involving a group of young people and an actor - The actor controls the tablets of the teenagers with his smartwatch.

The TJG, located in Dresden, is the city’s youth theater, offering plays for children and adolescents.

It is recognized for its innovative programming and its close connection with young audiences.

To engage with a younger audience, Wezit has assisted the TJG in the digital aspect, particularly in creating an offering focused on raising awareness about the daily choices young immigrants must make in the face of challenges. The TJG’s production involves creating a participative digital experience in which a tablet is provided to participants.

The experience is limited to a total of 60 spectators. In addition to the artistic performance, videos and images are incorporated, fostering real interaction between the actors and the audience.

An actor accompanies the group and leads them through the scenario while exploring the theater’s backstage.

Controlled by a smartwatch, different sequences are triggered simultaneously on the children’s tablets.


This project has been carried out with the Wezit Mobile solution.

Contents are managed by the Wezit Studio platform.

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